August 26, 2024

How to Involve Your Team in Q4 Planning and Goal-Setting

Q4 Planning

Quarterly planning never fails to present a challenge –– especially Q4 planning. But founders, CEOs, and managers don’t have to shoulder the burden alone. In fact, it’s a great idea to involve your team in Q4 planning and goal-setting, both as a strategic approach and a morale booster.

One great way to do this is by setting objectives and key results (OKRs). OKR methodology is a collaborative goal-setting approach used to set ambitious goals with measurable results. When you make creating OKRs a team process, everyone has a stake in the business, making it easier (and more exciting) for your employees to meet those company-wide and team goals, especially during peak season.

OKR methodology: Quarterly goal setting from the top-down vs. bottom-up

Traditionally in business, quarterly goals have been set from the top down. Leadership identifies company goals and expects teams and individuals to meet or exceed those goals. It’s more of an “I’ll tell you what to do” approach, leaving employees wondering how they were established (and why).

When team members have no say in the goal-setting process for quarterly planning, it’s difficult for them to buy in and see them as realistic. A top-down approach to goal setting can often set a company up to miss goals simply because the process lacks clarity and transparency.

Bottom-up goal setting takes a different approach. It involves the team and establishes an interest in the process and end results. Rather than questioning leadership, employees have buy-in from the start. While you can certainly help guide the team, ultimately, your employees are recommending objectives and key results (OKRs). And when they do this, you’ll see them working hard to get there by coming up with innovative ideas and pushing themselves (and their teammates) to reach them.

Questions to ask during team OKR brainstorming for Q4 planning

One way to involve employees in establishing team goals is to invite them to a brainstorming session in preparation for Q4. As a leader, it allows you to offer insight into the overall company from your level. Employees appreciate this “insider look,” and it helps them understand why their everyday responsibilities matter. Not only can your team take ownership of setting OKRs, but you can also task them with figuring out ways to meet the team goals.

Here are examples of questions to ask the collective group as they are challenged to identify team goals that will move the needle in your business. Be sure to ask “why” after each question to help everyone dig even deeper.

  • Where do we want the company (or our team) to be at the end of the quarter?
  • Which goals are okay to adjust, and which are non-negotiable?
  • What’s the most ambitious goal we can think of?
  • What’s the safest goal we can think of?
  • How can we better meet our customers’ needs?
  • What innovative ways can we increase revenue? By how much?
  • How can we build our product/service more efficiently?
  • What tasks and projects are core to meeting our Q4 goals? What tasks could we outsource to freelancers, contractors, or virtual assistants?

Team vs. individual OKRs

While it’s certainly important that your employees set individual goals, OKRs are meant for teams. Because of the method’s collaborative nature, in a work setting, they can be difficult to set without input from others. In a Harvard Business Review article by Jeff Gothelf, he says, “A shared objective and quantifiable metrics can help a team to coordinate their activities, align with stakeholders, and act with more than just their own immediate goals in mind. Within this framework, success is measured not by what any one individual does, but rather, by the impact of the team as a whole on the users of the products and services they’re building.”

Crush your Q4 planning with group goal-setting

Involving your team in goal-setting will help you better succeed in Q4. Employees quickly feel invested in hitting objectives and remain in tune with the key results that will get them there. Team members are also more apt to bring new ideas, processes, and even bigger goals than you would have suggested to the table simply because they have been given a voice and fully understand your company’s vision.

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