Organize Your Life With a Remote Assistant

You got this. Hire a personal assistant to free up your time so you can focus on what matters most.

ICP - Individuals

Double Does the Heavy Lifting.

Your schedule is already hectic enough — sit back and let us handle the hard work. Double sources, contracts, and manages your assistant so you don’t have to.

Profiles (purple)

Support For Work and Life.

Double executive assistants can take on both personal and professional tasks. Your EA will knock out pressing items on your to-do list so you can focus on your top priorities.

Templates (flamingo)

An App that Powers Delegation.

The Double app helps you stay organized. Your human EA will co-pilot with AI to maximize efficiency; you’ll get real-time reporting on tasks and access to templates for guidance as you delegate.


“Because I had tools like Calendly that automated my processes, I always maintained that I didn’t need an EA. But over time, as Klara grew, I realized that the tools I was using didn’t—and couldn’t—provide the customized and professional service that a human is capable of.”

Simon Lorenz

Co-CEO at Klara

What can you delegate in a month?

Here's how one Double assistant spends 20 hours, supporting a high-profile content creator.

  • Set up inbox labeling system

  • Research CRM & Expense tools

  • Organized 5 Podcast Interviews

  • Research and schedule doctor appointments

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Ready to Take Charge of Your Life?

Get started with Double to power productivity and get your time back.

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