June 5, 2024

Double Pool: The New Open Delegation Platform For All

Double Pool

If you’re feeling the pressure from a demanding to-do list, you aren’t alone. Only 20% of people feel that their work is under control every day, and 44% of employees attribute their burnout to heavy workloads.

Everyone could use some backup to help improve their work-life balance, which is why CEOs often hire executive assistants. Even though busy individuals and professionals of all levels can benefit from a remote assistant, the cost, commitment, or inexperience with delegating may deter them from hiring one.

Double Pool changes that. We’ve created an innovative open delegation platform designed for everyone. Instantly delegate tasks to our highly skilled human assistants with no commitment, formal onboarding, or monthly payments.

What Is Double Pool And Who Uses It?

Double is known for providing premium tech-enabled administrative support for founders, business leaders, and teams. Double Pool brings that same quality of support for anyone from busy parents to small business owners to driven professionals.

You can input a work or personal task into Double Pool, answer a few clarifying questions, and then send it off to a pool of our human virtual assistants. An assistant will be assigned the task and complete it within the week. You only pay for the tasks you delegate, so no need to worry about getting locked into a long-term payment plan.

How Does It Work?

You can lighten your workload in less than five minutes with Double Pool. Here are the steps:

  • Describe a task you need to do this week. Data entry? Research? Last-minute weekend planning? Describe your task and Double’s AI will help write up a detailed brief for your human assistant.

  • Instantly delegate it to a dedicated human EA. No log-in, no monthly commitment. Just confirm what you want to delegate, and you’re all set. We’ll handle the assignment and quality control.

  • Allow 24 hours to get a confirmation from your assistant. A knowledgeable Double (human) assistant is immediately assigned and briefed on your task.

  • Request completed! You'll receive an email within 24 business hours. Your virtual assistant will confirm their ETA, share what they've completed, and ask for your feedback within the week. Enjoy the peace of mind!

Why Double Pool?

While quality support has always been our trademark, Double Pool is special because of its unique benefits:

  • Results Without Commitment: You can experiment with delegating without having to take on a monthly plan. Double Pool is here to help when you need it, on your terms.

  • Human Touch: While we use AI to help understand your needs, a real remote assistant will handle your task to ensure proper management of complex tasks.

  • Simplified by AI: While a real human will always work on your tasks, our AI will simplify the process by writing up the assignment brief and clarifying details with you.

  • Quick Turnaround: Once an assistant begins working on an assignment, you can expect it to be completed within the week.

  • Support For All: You don’t have to be in the C-suite to get amazing virtual assistant services. Double Pool makes it easy for anyone to delegate.

Give Delegating a Try With Double Pool

Double is committed to providing flexible, quality support for everyone. Why? Because delegating can be life-changing both in the office and at home. Every task I delegate to my assistant gives me more time to enrich my life outside of work. I know delegating can be transformative in your life, too.

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